Tag Archives: gadget

Is that music in my head…

7 Sep

Oh no, it’s in my pillow.

My geeky gadget of the day is (drum roll) Wiki imusic pillow! £14.95

You plug in your phone, ipod whatever, put your head down for a good nights kip and be serenaded by the sound of music drifting from your pillow.

The reason I like this gadget so much is that sometimes I do find it hard to fall asleep. Fine when I’m on my own, but sometimes you don’t want to disturb people, so the fact that you wouldn’t need to wear headphones (which I always get tangled up in during the night!) and could just sleep normally but without the other member of the bed (normally my cat…) hearing it would be brilliant.

The downside…I doubt this is a particularly comfy pillow, so it would probably have to sit under the bed until needed.

But I like the idea!

Well done Wiki imusic pillow – Geeky Gadget of Friday


Wiki iMusic Pillow